Oracle's Card of the Month: November '22

For November we chose a deck with soothing and gentle energy, Gold Lyre Tarot by Lacy Martin and Christine Scanlon. The Death card, with its message of inevitable change, is a fitting draw for the cooling and darkening days of November. From the Gold Lyre’s guide book: “Death reverberates a contrast to anything that holds life. She holds out her skull as an offering.”

Given our work here at Oracle as a taxidermy studio, Death is woven into much of our daily endeavors. As we approach the animal remains we work on with respect and seek to honor them in their new stage of existence, we also consider that even within life we are constantly changing. Our personal evolutions take place in both tiny and monumental ways. Memorials are done with love and holding space for the emotions and memories of those involved.

Rituals are done as a way to mark these transitions and acknowledge the impact that has been made. “Death holds out her skull as an offering.” We hold out our hands, our lit candles, our tears, our flowers and stones in response. A call and response to the inevitable losses that comes from embodied existence in a fragile and complex world.

Finding ways to mark and honor the changes which occur in our lives can help us process our often complex emotions surrounding these events.

Taking time to consciously observe a transition can ground and calm us. Memorial work allows us to integrate lessons learned and reignite hopes for the future. Seek solace in written words. Find beauty and grounding in objects from the natural world. Light a candle as an offering of light and a release of energy. Memorial work can be as ornate or as simple as you need it to be.

From Here to Eternity by Caitlin Doughty chronicles death practices from several cultures and explores what makes mourning practices effective.

This is Your Brain on Grief zine by Faith G. Harper is a quick and simple guide on what to do and say (and not) for yourself and others when experiencing any type of grief.

Apache Tear crystals (a form of Obsidian) are specifically associated with grief and said to aid in grounding, protection, and emotional cleansing. These smooth glassy stones are found in Mexico and the Southwestern part of the United States. Wearing an Apache Tear or carrying one with you can help you reconnect to joy even in times of loss and sadness.

Elegy Candles by Moth and Candle were made exclusively for Oracle with memorials in mind. The hand-dipped beeswax tapers are dressed with an herbal blend: Hawthorn for love. Nettle for strength. Lavender for peace. In each pair, one candle is dressed with an Obsidian crystal for courage and grounding; and the other has a Rainbow Moonstone for soothing sorrow.

Victorian Sympathy Cards by Open Sea Design Co. are a simple way to send a quick note of understanding to a loved one. You could also jot down favorite memories or wishes and tuck them away for your future self to read.

November’s days may bring cold temperatures and less sunlight, encouraging us to draw more inward. The coming holiday season can bring up difficult emotions and surface memories of those no longer with us. Take time to honor the difficult feelings that appear. Sometimes just having a cup of tea and allowing the emotions to speak their message will bring closure and growth. May your sorrows be acknowledged and released. — Laura Pensar for Oracle Natural Science