Oracles of March

Spring is almost here!!! It’ll be official on the 19th, as a matter of fact. The shift into Spring generally heralds warmer weather and fewer wintry storms, and naturally tends to be a time of renewal and fresh starts. We can finally throw open the doors and windows, sweep out the dust of the winter months… (Persephone’s Broom Closet covers all your basic Spring Cleaning rituals!)

And although the weather patterns have been (ahem, sob) a little unpredictable lately… the sense of renewal and new beginnings that Spring brings is definitely here. We’re looking forward to propping open the front door and watching the block come alive! To celebrate, we’ll be doing our custom candle-dressing bar on the 20th! Come in and pick out the adornments for your Equinox ritual candle or as a gift for a friend.

Which, while we’re on the topic… make sure to sign up for the Spring Equinox Witch Club! Curated by Alessandra and filled with items connecting science, nature, and magic through traditional rituals, new crafts, and intentions that help you reconnect with the natural world. This season’s kit also includes a special new bundle by Atropos Curios! (Kits ship out on the 14th.)

Speaking of Atropos Curios… We’re super excited about their new mini DIY Spell Kits! Thoughtfully created and beautifully packaged little all-in-one rituals. Choose between Prosperity, Self Fortitude, Boundaries, and New Beginnings. They make a great little gift for a friend or a quick pick-me-up when you need one! I, personally, am taking home a Prosperity kit to do on the New Moon.

Dani Brown is the artist behind the amazing evolving art-wreath installation in our shop. Sunday the 17th, Dani will be teaching her “Art of Wreathing” class at Oracle! In this class, participants will learn the basics of safe and respectful harvesting, craft their own unique wreath out of wild-foraged materials, and learn how to begin and maintain their own “Wheel of the Year” wreath practice.

Later this month,  Chicago-based artists Mickey Kwapis and Zen Hansen will be visiting! Mickey will be leading a Cyanotype Workshop on the 23rd (space is limited… so don’t wait if you are interested.) Zen will be teaching an Intro to Hair Table-Braiding Art workshop on the 24th (again… don’t wait if you want to sign up!) Their other workshops have already sold out! But they will be popping up in the Oracle studio on Saturday.

If you’ve been in the studio this past month you’ve probably seen some beautiful new art on our walls and in the print bins… our very own lead illustrator, Melissa Chepren, is a full-fledged artist in her own right. And her work is stunning! Just look at this Blue Morpho butterflies piece!

The Oracle team has been hard at work in the studio getting some projects ready for this season! We’ve freshened-up our Animal Guide kits… currently available for Bobcat, Coyote, Fox, and Raccoon. These are great starter kits for a personal collection or as inspiration for incorporating animal energy into your personal practice.

And one last request for anyone who votes in Jackson County, Missouri… Please vote NO on the proposed Royals Crossroads District Stadium Tax. It will have devastating effects on the ENTIRE Crossroads Arts District. The stadium location as proposed will negatively impact small businesses and countless jobs in Kansas City. Please protect one of the most special districts in KC… we need your help!

The Oracle team!

Team selfie in the studio mirror. Left to right: Laura Pensar, Alessandra Dzuba, Melissa Chepren.

— Laura Pensar for Oracle Natural Science

Oracle's Card of the Month: November '23

For November I pulled the Rose card from the For Strange Women Oracle deck. A card of romance and relationship. Roses have been associated with love since ancient Greece. The red rose is sacred to Aphrodite. It was said that all roses used to be white until Aphrodite cut her ankle on a rose thorn while running to save her lover, Adonis. Her blood stained the roses she ran past red thus connecting them to her and passion.

The Romans considered roses to be symbolic of romance, secrecy, and luxury. Roses were put in the bedroom and petals were thrown at celebrations. Even today roses continue to be an icon of romance and are given as a token of affection.

As the winter approaches it may be a good time to call in some romance. Fill your space with warmth and glamour. Light candles, burn a sensual incense, drape luxurious furs over your furniture, display flowers and art. Romance isn’t only for lovers.

Pink Amethyst is a rare form of Amethyst found in Patagonia. It is said to bring emotional balance and overall peace through calm, understanding, and grace. Crystal towers with sparkling caverns and soothing hues make for a simple romantic touch to any table or shelf.

Ethically/sustainably-sourced furs add a luxurious and tactile element to your environment. Persian Lamb, Rabbit, or Muskrat pelts look lovely as a surface covering on tabletops.

In the Oracle studio we love highlighting the beauty of nature in our art. One particularly romantic piece is our framed snake and florals assemblage. Some traditions associate serpents with desire. This taxidermy snake is nestled in a cushion of lush green foliage and soft pink flowers.

Things made by hand have an intrinsic romance to them. November 25th is Small-Business Saturday… and we’re hosting a slow craft pop-up! Please Send Word will be in the shop with their handmade goods.

November marks Oracle’s 10-year anniversary! We’re celebrating this month by featuring the individual work of our 3-person team. It’s a Pop-Us (get it? Instead of pop-up it’s a pop-US). Art by shop owner and lead taxidermist Alessandra Dzuba, assistant taxidermist and lead illustrator Melissa Chepren, and me… studio manager and lead writer Laura Pensar. Drop in and help us celebrate a decade of Oracle Natural Science!

This November, fall in love with the changing seasons… get cozy AND sensual (they aren’t mutually exclusive after all)! Cheers! - Laura Pensar for Oracle Natural Science

Oracle's Card of the Month: October '23

This month we pulled The Ship card from Lulu’s Lenormand. In traditional Lenormand decks the ship takes the form of a tall ship with sails out on the sea. The Ship card refers to movement, travel, and foreign places. It can be a call to get out and explore or a signal that your “ship is about to come in.”

In a world of daily international travel and global communication, Lulu’s Lenormand takes the Ship’s province even farther outside with a vintage-style UFO (or UAP as they’re now labeled). Take the appearance of this Ship as a sign to not only get moving or explore new places… but also as a call to get “outside of the normal.” Investigate places both outside and within.

This October get outside of your comfort zone, get weird, and look to new horizons!

If you’ve been in our studio this year you’ve seen the ongoing installation art piece “Odyssey of the Oracle” by Dani Hurst Brown. This large hand-woven wreath has become a beautiful document of the turning seasons. Dani has now released a zine that takes you through the practice of “Seasonal Wreathing” in which the creation of your own handmade wreath becomes a work of art, a nature offering, and a diary of the year.

For a cute pick-me-up or to gift as a little token of friendship we have new enamel pins by Kitty with a Cupcake! The Kitty Tarot Death card and the Pocket Familiar bat are adorable and fill that Halloween fun need.

This month we head out to Philadelphia. Alessandra and I will be joined by Tyler Thrasher, Ash Miyagawa, Jane Almirall, and Sweet Destructor for a weekend pop-up event at Bloodmilk’s Sphinx and Snakeskin 45 N 2nd St, Philadelphia. Friday the 13th 6-9pm and Saturday the 14th 12-5pm. If you’re in the Philly area come say hi! And KC folks, Melissa is holding down the fort in our studio so we will be open our normal hours still!

If you’re looking for some ideas for trying something new… Oracle has several classes on the roster for October. On Friday the 20th I (Laura) will be teaching a Candle Divination class. That Sunday the 22nd Alessandra will teach a Scorpion pinning class. And on Thursday the 26th she will give a Bone Lecture.

So this October have some fun trying out new things, stretching your wings, and go for a wild Autumn ride! - Laura Pensar for Oracle Natural Science

Oracle's Card of the Month: September '23

September leads us into the official start of Autumn! This month we have pulled the Queen of Pentacles card from The Rainbow Heart Tarot. Earthy, grounded, caring energy. After a Summer of harsh environmental tragedies, the message of this card seems spot-on.

In this deck the Queen of Pentacles is shown in front of a snow-capped mountain range. The Queen’s crown and the crystal cluster held near to their chest echo the purple colors and angled points of the mountains in the background. The Queen’s veil is decorated with autumn leaves and the warm tones contrast with the cool colors of the environment; a visual call to bring our own warmth as the outer temperatures cool.

As an archetype, the Queen of Pentacles is a keeper of resources. This card speaks to nurturing and tending to the physical world. The tiny crystal cluster held lovingly in the hands is a lovely symbol of the kind of care we should be taking for the larger world as a whole. The berries growing on the greenery framing this card serve as a reminder that we are dependent upon nature and its gifts.

This month as we transition into the Fall season, look to ways you can care for and remain connected to the Earth. That our relationship with nature requires care and attention.

Loot for small ways to remind yourself that we are of this planet (no matter how alien you may feel at times… Earth is home.) A pocket crystal, a cup of herbal tea, admiring the spectacular beauty of an insect’s wings. There is so much that is magical and awe-inspiring about the Earth.

Our newest zine is out now… “Oracle’s Crystal Guide” - a crystal-clear guide to a FEW of the world’s classic rocks! Written by me (Laura Pensar) and illustrated by Melissa Chepren. This full-color booklet includes information on more than 30 crystals, the mineral composition of each crystal, metaphysical associations, facts and tips. A great guide for the crystal curious and a perfect pocket reference for the seasoned rock hound!

For Strange Women has reformulated our Taxidermy Protector spray! It’s an all-natural-ingredient spray to help deter pests that may damage your precious taxidermy collection. The main ingredient is Hiba Cedar with other pure essential oils distilled from plant defense systems.

Woodchucks (also known as Groundhogs) create their homes in the Earth in extensive burrows. Although Woodchucks have many natural predators, they have many survival strategies including retreating to and hiding in their burrows, climbing trees, and when necessary defending themselves with their sharp claws and long incisor teeth.  Woodchucks are highly attuned to their surroundings and keep on the alert for potential dangers. When a threat has been detected they will signal to others in their colony by making a high-pitched whistling sound (which gives them the nickname of “whistle pig.”)

Ruby Zoisite (also known as Anyolite). Ruby found within Zoisite deposits. Said to aid in the manifestation of your ideas and dreams. Ruby is a “heart stone” associated with courage and strength. Zoisite is a stone of returning to the Earth and rebirth. Together this beautiful crystal embodies aligning with our goals and soothing our emotions through connection.

This month take some extra time to tend to the natural world within your sphere. Whether it’s a garden, a few house plants, a friendly pigeon that frequents your windowsill. Wherever you encounter nature in your life approach it with care and love. And remember, you too, are a part of nature so treat yourself with this same care. You are something precious as well. — Laura Pensar for Oracle Natural Science